- Although we tend to think of initialization in terms of assigning values to variables, initialization is so much more.
- For example, initialization might involve opening a file and reading its contents into a memory buffer, registering a database driver, preparing a memory buffer to hold an image's contents, acquiring the resources necessary for playing a video, and so on.
- Java supports initialization via language features collectively known as initializers.
- Class initialization is different from Object initialization and it happens before Object initialization.
- Class Initialization
- A program contains no of classes, before the execution of java program the class loader loads the public class having the PSVM.
- Then the byte code verifier verifies the class.
- Then class initializes.
- The class fields are set to default values.
- For Example:
- static boolean b;//flase
- static byte by;//0
- static char c;//
- static double d;//0.0
- static float f;//0.0
- static int i;//0
- static long l;//0
- static short s;//0
- static String st;//null
- static boolean b;//flase
- A program contains no of classes, before the execution of java program the class loader loads the public class having the PSVM.
- We can also explicitly assign values to the class fields.
- Those values are assigned to the fields just after the class is loaded and before any user defined method including main executes.
- This initialization is done using <clinit>method of the JVM. It uses machine level instructions to assign those values.
- Although a subsequently declared class field can refer to a previously declared class field, the reverse is not true: You cannot declare a class field initializer that refers to a class field declared later in source code. In other words, Java does not permit forward references with class field initializers, as the following code fragment demonstrates:
static int second = 1 + first;
static int first = 3;
- In the cases when you need to read the contents of the file before the main method executes then we need to use the static block.
System.out.println ("Acquiring filenames");
filenames = new File (".").list ();
System.out.println ("Filenames acquired");
- Class block initializers are useful. For example, Sun's JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API uses class block initializers to simplify database driver registration. Consider the following code fragment:
Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
- Any variable declared in the block is having the scope only upto that block.
- JVM allows us to declare any constant field without any explicit initializer, but u have to initialize it before its first use.
class ClassInitializationDemo5
final static double PI;
PI = 3.14159;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
System.out.println (i);
static int j = i;//this vl cause problem as the I is local to that block
public static void main (String [] args)
System.out.println ("PI = " + PI);//this vl show 3.14 as the initialization is done in static block
- When a class hierarchy is involved, the compiler creates a separate<clinit> method for each class in that hierarchy. At runtime, the JVM loads all hierarchy classes and calls their <clinit> methods in a top-to-bottom order.